「あなたの気持ちを浅くする」アーティストデビューしたあさみみちゃんが1st EP「ASAPOP」にこめた想いとこれからの目標🐰🎶🐢

*English ver. special interview is below!


本日は、3月3日に1st DIGITAL EP「ASAPOP」でアーティストデビューしたあさみみさんとプロデューサーのタートルPさんをお招きした特別インタビューをお届けします❣️






初めてのDigital EP「ASAPOP」にはYouTubeでMVも公開された「ピンクハート」をはじめ、全4曲が収録され、それぞれテイストの違う聴き応えのある楽曲となっており、アーティスト活動が本格始動していきそうな予感を感じる仕上がりとなっていました✨🎶






































それが僕の感覚では、American pop punkだったり、UK garageとかBreakcore、Shoegazer、Ambient soundにそういうものがあったので、クラッシックなものから最新のものまで、影響を受け、取り込んでいきました!








タートルP:「ピンクハート」はさっき少し言ったAmerican pop punkを今っぽい音にするならどういうものかというところから考えていったのと、今回のEPのリード曲になることは決まっていたので、どう曲の展開を面白くして、インパクトを出していけるかというのを意識して作りました!




















タートルP:最近、UK garageが世界的にもよく聴かれているので、それにJapanese City Popらしさを付け加えて、日本語で歌ったらどうなるかというのを考えて作りました。


あとは、ベースラインにjersey clubっぽいのを取り入れていたりなど昔から愛されている定番なものも最新のものにミックスしていったという意欲作です。




タートルP:ピンクハート同様、American pop punkの要素はあるんですが、それよりもダンスミュージック寄りなサウンドで思わず踊り出したくなるような曲を目指しました。








『No need to change❣️』あなたは何も変わらなくていい、自分らしく、最強でかわみみな自分をずっと愛してあげてね💗






タートルP:Ambient soundにPost rock的な要素を混ぜた曲になっています。































あさみみちゃん1st EP「ASAPOP」収録曲「のにちぇん❣️」のミュージックビデオが3月27日 19時にあさみみちゃんの公式YouTubeで公開!



「あなたの気持ちを浅くする寄り添いうさぎ あさみみちゃん」はマスコットキャラクタータレントとして、 2021年6月にTikTokアカウントを開設し、タレント活動を開始。 その後アカウント開設から約10ヶ月で、TikTokマスコットキャラ部門フォロワー数日本一を達成するなど、SNSを中心に活動中。 SNS累計フォロワー数は760万人を超える(24年2月現在)。 2024年3月からアーティストデビューし、楽曲でもあなたの気持ちを浅くするべく奮闘中! UK garage・American pop punk・Shoegazer・Breakcore・Ambientなど様々なジャンルから影響を受けた「ASAPOP」を表現する。







“Cheer you up by your side” ASAMIMICHAN’s thoughts on her 1st EP “ASAPOP” and her future plan 🐰🎶🐢


Hi, there. This is Ninjin, an assistant of ASAMIMICHAN and a interviewer today🥕


I will share you special interview with Asamimi-san, who made a debut with her 1st EP ”ASAPOP”, and her producer,Turtle P❣️


Asamimi-san had started her activity on mainly TikTok and IG in 2021 and tried lots of things outside Social media like Gatcha, collaborating with brands, publishing a book, gaming and merchandising etc…🐰💫


And… the latest challenge for Asamimi-san is “MUSIC” 🎉💕🎶🐰


Her 1st EP”ASAPOP” contains totally different tasted 4 songs, including “Pink heart” that its music video was released on Asamimi-san’s Youtube and it makes us looking forward to that her artist activity will go into full swing ✨🎶


Therefore, in this time, I’m going to ask not only Asamimi-san, but Turtle P, who produced ASAPOP about the thoughts on ASAPOP and their future plans for their artist activity❣️


ーーーIt’s Asamimi-san and Tutle P here. I’m glad to have you today.


ASAMIMICHAN:Hi, everyonei❣ It’s Asamimi❣


Turtle P:Hello, My name is Turtle P, a composer of Asamimi-chan.

Actually, I have a long relationship with Asamimi-chan and had thought that it seemed awesome to put Asamimi-chan’s thoughts on music and share them with you.


So, we made songs  and released ASAPOP.


We really did everything related to the music by ourselves, and that is new, and it is typical of SIMAS(Simple Side Mascots) to try something new.


I usually work with scouts, clients, and produce character talents, but I have been writing songs as a hobby for a long time, and although I say “P,” it is not so much Vocaloid songs, but rather songs for bands, etc. 


I happen to be able to write music, so I thought why not do it this time, too? I thought it would be a good idea if I made the music, so I made it 😉


ーーーFirst of all, I’d like to ask the process of Asamimi-san’s debut. Did you have plans to try music before?


Turtle P:Around last spring, we had an opportunity to have Asamimi-chan appear on screen in a collaboration with Karaoke no Tetsujin, and we talked about making an original song at that time, so that was the very beginning!


A few months later since then, but I thought Asamimi-chan’s voice was wonderful, so I made a track for her on my own and asked her to listen to it, and that’s how the production of ASAPOP started, 


ASAMIMICHAN:hahaha…🥰 I haven’t listened to music so much that I wasn’t sure of the details and the techniques, but  when I listened it, I thought OMG❣️


The sounds were shining…

and it is weird to say kind of this thing, but I thought “This is a song❣️✨ We can make songs for real❣️”


I love singing, so I was very happy to hear that we could release our own songs.


Also, I hope that by singing songs instead of just words, the things that I usually want to tell you will become closer to them and more familiar. 


It was a very bright moment for me, with a lot of hope✨


ーーーI’d like to ask you Turtle P… 

Regarding “ASAPOP,” which was Asamimi-san’s first EP, I think all Asami-min were very curious about what kind of music Asamimi-san would come up with.

 I was wondering what kind of theme you had in mind for “ASAPOP,” as the title suggests, and I thought on my own that you were expressing music that is uniquely Asamimi-san herself.


Turtle P:This time, I wanted to make it clear that this is the kind of music that Asamimi-chan does! As the title of the EP says, I presented the genre “ASAPOP” because it is Asamimi-chan’s pop songs;)


The theme was that Asamimi-chan is “a being that cheers you up by your side,” so I thought  specifically about what kind of music cheers us up when we listen to it.


For example, it’s kind of healing, lightening the mood and the things that you can just dive deeply into the sounds and where words that encourage us are there for your current situation.


Like that, I have clearly thought about what kind of time and under what kind of conditions such things are necessary!


In my sense, it is included in the American pop punk, UK garage, Breakcore, Shoegazer and Ambient sound, so I took in and incorporated influences from the classical to the latest sounds.


ーーーFor instance, the first song “Pink heart” has a sense of speed from the beginning of the song to the chorus, and the chorus, “I’m going to be myself,” blows away all the worries and negativity with Asamimichan’s signature super positivity. 


ASAMIMICHAN:Pink heart was our debut song, and I wrote the lyrics straight from my heart to express what I wanted to tell you☺️❣️


In that sense, it’s a particularly memorable and important song ✨


Of course each song is very important 🥰


It was my first time to write songs and I was excited and nervous, but it was a pleasure when Turtle P complimented me.


Turtle P:”Pink heart” was created with the idea of  how I can sublimate American pop punk into modern sounds, and since it was already decided that it would be the lead song of the EP, I was conscious of how to make the song interesting and impactful!


ーーー Also, this is a question from Asami-min, regarding the Pink heart music video on Asamimi-san’s YouTube, everyone in Asamimi Friends, including Asamimi-san, tries to play instruments in the music video. How was the shooting?


ASAMIMICHAN:As for the instruments, Danny was the only one with guitar experience, while the others had almost no experience 🥰🥰


Oh, but Ninjin-chan used to take piano lessons, and I was impressed by how much fun she was having playing 🥕🥰✨


Jim-kun was also practicing with a lot of energy, and my sister and I were practicing how to carry fingers together at home… and Danny-kun was teaching us and we all went to the studio to practice💓🎸


I’m sure there will be many more band songs in the future, so we will all do our best ♡❣️♡


ーーーThe shooting was really fun wasn’t it. Then, let me ask about “kimiga inaito”, it’s a song like making me holding Asamimi-san’s  plushie…

I think there are times getting anxious and thinking too much, but I think that Asamimi-san is by our side, and I want to get over it like going over the mountains.


ASAMIMICHAN:Yeahhh🥰✨Let’s skip over the mountains lightly✨


When I write lyrics, I get the sound source from Turtle P first, and come up with the lyrics based on the image I get when listening to it.


“Kimiga inaito” is moist but has a good tempo, and I wanted to match it to express what’s going around in my mind, the feeling of wanting to cling to something, or the feeling of loneliness…


I thought it would be great if people could listen to it while imagining their own “Oshi” when they ask for help with something ☺️ and if it’s me, I’ll be so happy ✨That’s the kind of song ❣️💖


Turtle P:Recently, UK garage music has been heard around the world, so I added the essence of  Japanese City Pop to the song and thought about what it would sound like if sung in Japanese.


I also mixed some of the old favorites, such as the jersey club-like bass line, into the latest version of the song:)


ーーーOn a positive note, I’m already listening to “no need to change” and it makes me feel that I’m awesome! I’m so cute! It cheers me up so much that I listen to it a lot.


Turtle P:Same as Pink heart, it has elements of American pop punk, but the sound is more like dance music, and we aimed to create a song that makes you want to dance!


The tempo was pretty fast, so I think it was hard for Asamimi-chan to keep up.lol


ASAMIMICHAN:Absolutely, yeees🥰 The chorus part of the song was a bit of a tongue twister and the tempo tended to run too fast☺️


But Turtle P told me that he wanted the song to be a dance song, so I wanted the lyrics to be positive.


“No need to change❣️” You don’t have to change anything, just be yourself and love awesome and kawaii yourself 💗


I really hope that people who listen to this song can choose to live their own lives in a more personal way 🥰


ーーーThe last song, “deep breath,” is music I have never heard before, but it is very soothing, so it is perfect for before bed or when I feel a little tired, and it has become a good luck charm song for me.


Turtle P:The song is a mix of ambient sound with post rock elements.


It is a genre of music that I used to listen to when I was in bad shape. I put it into the sound of the song.


I also challenged myself to find a way to express Asamimi-chan’s personality without singing in the song.


I would be very happy if people who usually only listen to music with lyrics would listen to “deep breath” and be exposed to such so-called “instrumental” songs!


ASAMIMICHAN:I’ve never listened to songs without lyrics before, but this is the first song I’ve come across that I’ve found to be good without lyrics✨


It makes me feel more relaxed and I think it’s very important to take a deep breath, which I sometimes do in my posts, but when this song comes on, I naturally take a deep breath 🥰


I hope you will think of your favorite space where you can relax and let the good in and the bad out and let’s take a deep breath together ✨


ーーーIt almost times-up… Finally, this is the last question.

Let me ask you the future plan of your artist activity and can you share us your thoughts for future. In addition to that, I’m glad to hear your messages for Asami-min who listen to ASAPOP. 


Turtle P:Because we are doing everything from 1 to 10 ourselves, we are in an environment where we can continue to write songs consistently, so we want to work harder and deliver songs that will please Asami-min all over the world.


We already have a few new songs in the works, so please look forward to them 🐢😎


ASAMIMICHAN:I keep writing songs for a long time. ❣️♡


I’m very happy if people can feel what I can’t convey through my posts alone, and if they can spend more time in contact with me through everyday “music” ✨


I’d be happy if our songs become as natural as the songs you listen to in your daily life 🥰❣️


Furthermore, I want to try  English songs too 💪I hope people all over the world can pick up on what I’m trying to say ✨

I also want to release music videos for other songs, so please look forward to them as well 💗


Please keep up the good work with our music ✨


【Special information】

The latest music video of “no need to change❣️” from ASAMIMICHAN’s 1st EP “ASAPOP” is released on ASAMIMICHAN’s official YouTube at 7:00pm on March 27th(JST)❣️

【Artist infomation】


As a mascot-star, Asamimi-chan, the rabbit who always cheers you up by your side, began her TikTok account in June 2021 and her show biz activities. In the 10 months since its establishment, she has become the most followed TikTok mascot in Japan, and is active mainly on social media like TikTok and Instagram. She has more than 7.6 million followers on social media (as of February 2024). She makes her debut as an artist in March 2024 and is struggling to cheer you up by your side with her music as well! We present ASAPOP influenced by various genres such as UK garage, American pop punk, Shoegazer, Break core, and Ambient.


・Artist page: https://www.tunecore.co.jp/artists/asamimichan?lang=en

・Streaming /DL links: https://linkco.re/2gU40xpY?lang=en